Adventure and relaxation, we know where to go

Vacation that suits you

We take care of your vacation with dedication and pleasure. We work with you to find the destinations, flights and hotels that suit you best. We advise you on topics such as rental cars, transfers, excursions and much more. So that you can relax completely, we focus on the technical aspects for you.

Flight experts

Round the World

We are there for you personally

Fulfill your travel dream

We would be delighted to advise you on your vacation trip. The Polyglott vacation travel team has been enthusiastic about vacation travel for many years and brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. During a consultation, you will benefit from our many years of experience and passion for other countries, coupled with in-depth tour operator and ticket/tariff know-how.


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Karin Orduña
Travel Consultant / Deputy Managing Director
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Andrea Bernet
Travel Consultant Vacation Travel
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Sonja Sakelsek
Travel Consultant Vacation / Business Travel

Beratungstermin Vereinbaren

What our clients say

Wir kennen das Team Polyglott, insbesondere Karin und Sergio Orduña, bereits seit bald 20 Jahren. Während dieser Zeit haben wir praktisch all unsere Reisen bei Polyglott gebucht, zuletzt Chile/Argentinien. Für Polyglott sprechen ein perfekter Service, gute Ideen, professionelles Handling bei allfällig auftretenden Problemen und ganz wichtig, massgeschneiderte Reisen, denn jeder Mensch hat andere Ansprüche und Wünsche. Deshalb kann ich Polyglott auch für Geschäftsreisen wie auch speziell ausgesuchte Firmenanlässe sehr empfehlen. Vielen Dank.
Daniela Burtscher Polyglott Travel

Daniela Burtscher und René Seger


Ob Berlin, Madrid, Frankreich, Barcelona, Rom, Hawaii, Reise auf dem Nil oder bald Transatlantik mit der QM2 nach New York, unsere persönliche Reiseberaterin Karin Orduna hat immer Tipps und Tricks für uns. Diesen Rundum-Service mit Herz geniessen wir sehr! Danke.
Familie Gerber Madrid 2015 Polyglott Travel

Hanny, Rolf und Stefan Gerber


Einmal POLYGLOTT, immer wieder POLYGLOTT, denn da klappt alles und zwar world-wide! Wir schätzen die umfassende Beratung sehr, eine Beratung mit viel Knowhow, Herz und bestem Service. Danke liebe POLYGLOTT für all unsere herrlichen, unbeschwerten Ferientage.
Suzanne Staub Polyglott Travel

Suzanne und Christian Straub

Langnau a/A

Seit vielen Jahren begleitet uns Polyglott als Organisator und Ideengeber an alle von uns gewünschten Ferien-Destinationen. Soeben haben wir Kuba aus vollen Zügen geniessen können. Es war wunderschön und eindrucksvoll. Wir danken dem ganzen Team von Polyglott für diese hochstehenden und professionellen Dienstleistungen.
Familie Haefliger Polyglott Travel

Familie Häfliger


Important information

So that you can relax on your vacation, we take care of the reservation of hotels, rental cars, campers and motorhomes and thus ensure a carefree vacation. As an independent travel agency with numerous contacts to Swiss and German tour operators, we are able to arrange package deals from all tour operators at the original price.

Do you dream of taking a trip around the world? We will put together your dream itinerary with you, book the right flights and obtain the necessary visas. With us, your travel dream is not just a dream.

Not only from A to B, but also from C to D and back to A or much more. We also plan routes for you that include more than just one destination - with different airlines - worldwide.

Thanks to our access to one of the world's largest reservation systems, we can issue your flight tickets quickly and in any booking class. We can book fare classes for you that are not available via the online portal and thus provide even better prices and availability. We will be happy to advise you, find the best connections for you and offer you an optimal flight solution that takes your wishes into account.


Karin Orduña is a group travel professional with many years of experience. She organizes special trips (special cities, countries, cruises, etc.) about 4 to 6 times a year, which are specially tailored to the wishes of our customers and are becoming increasingly popular. We also have extensive experience in organizing unusual trips or events such as language or sports trips, wedding and anniversary trips and all kinds of events.

The few vacations a year are far too good to not be able to look forward to them without worrying. Even on the best days of the year, things can go wrong. Travel insurance protects you financially - before and during your vacation. We can advise you on the various products and insurance providers.

If you decide to travel at short notice, you can benefit from special last-minute offers. We will find the best offer for you. Contact us if you are interested!

This varies from country to country, we will be happy to inform you and could also apply for a visa for you if required.